
Some Rumors About BTS Turned Out To Be made by the members group

Some Rumors About BTS Turned Out To Be Made By The Seven-Member Group. The Funny Thing Is, The Rumors That

Some Rumors About BTS Turned Out To Be Made By The Seven-Member Group. The Funny Thing Is, The Rumors That BTS Made Are Ridiculous And Baseless.

There are many Rumors About BTS (Bangtan Boys) circulating on the internet. Some rumors turned out to be made by the seven-member group.

The funny thing is, the rumors that BTS made are ridiculous and baseless. It was made by the members just for fun.

The first rumor was about Jungkook sabotaging his stage costume “incident”. At BTS’s concert “PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE—SEOUL,” Jungkook’s buttons were problematic .

Jungkook laughed because the buttons kept opening after closing. But RM (Rap Monster) claims Jungkook deliberately loosened his buttons. In response, Jungkook laughed, saying, “This is how the rumors started.”

The second and no less ridiculous, rumor is that Jungkook and V don’t get along, even though they are very close. This time it was Jin who made the rumors about them. “Before they had a fight, that’s why it was awkward,” said Jin.

V and Jungkook immediately straightened out the rumors, saying, “We were scolded together. This is how you create rumors.”

V and Jungkook aren’t the only members caught up in Jin’s ridiculous rumors. The oldest member of BTS also made rumors about J-Hope, who made 15 songs for his second mixtape. “Oh no, that’s how the rumors started,” said J-Hope.

There are other rumors about J-Hope, this time about his Instagram ability. He is so proficient at using the app that his members are a little suspicious.

“I think he has an admin,” Suga said, during the live stream. J-Hope quickly denies it, but RM continues to tease her by saying, “Be honest with us. How much did you pay?”

The last rumor that was so ridiculous, RM turned into the Hulk. Jin again went the extra mile by starting the rumor on national television.

RM, of course, didn’t let Jin stay in control. “Ah, that’s not true, that’s not true!” He said, hiding behind Suga. “Stop! Stop the rumors.”

Out of all the rumors that BTS created themselves, which one do you think is the most ridiculous?

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