
Blinks angry at a brand that unfollowed Jisoo on Instagram after the contract expired

Blinks angry at a brand that unfollowed Jisoo on Instagram after the contract expired . And this stressful phase of interaction between the brand and fans led to Jisoo’s suffering .
Jisoo’s recent controversy with the itMICHAA brand has infuriated the Blinks. Specifically, not so long ago, fans realized that itMICHAA had terminated her one-year contract with Jisoo and hopefully once again applied for Jisoo as her brand ambassador.
But things did not go according to what the Brand wanted only. Surprisingly, BLACKPINK fans have discovered Jisoo. The brand unfollowed Jisoo on Instagram.

itMICHAA officially unfollowed Jisoo on Instagram because they have a new ‘muse’. I guess it’s time we unfollow them,'” one fan said

Immediately, as a result of the brand’s unprofessional behavior, a wave of indignation erupted and fans unanimously unfollowed the itMICHAA brand’s account.
It is known that the brand itMICHAA has previously resorted to such behavior, which Internet users described as childish and impractical. Actor Shin Hye Sun was the brand’s media face and once the contract ended, the brand unfollowed the actor on Instagram.
Blinks angry at a brand that unfollowed Jisoo on Instagram after the contract expired

Read netizens’ comments

  • -I don’t even follow them.
  •  I followed them when Jisoo became ‘inspirational’. Now just unfollow and you’re done.
  •  unprofessional! Did you just finish the contract but “washed hands” like this? Have they forgotten that Jisoo helped the brand grow so much? .
  • The number of their followers is decreasing.
  • Knowing that the agency and Jisoo are out of contract, the unfollowing is very emotional. The company is behaving awfully.

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